The Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount are the most controversial and contested real estate pieces in the world.  Israel now allows the Waqf, a Muslim non-profit, to run the Temple Mount.

Check out the map—the Old City is divided into four quarters:  Christian, Moslem, Armenian and Jewish.

Why is the Temple Mount so important?  This is where the Jewish Third Temple will be built and where Jesus will return to earth at His Second Coming.  At present the Temple Mount is home to the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa mosque.

We are in the End Times—one of my favorite sayings is “Prophecies become clearer as the End Times draw nearer”.  There are wars going on all around the world—presently between Ukraine and Russia—and the U.S. and China are involved.  We have seen recent wars in the Mideast—many with Iran involved.

Get ready—when Israel is threatened and attacked and they implement the Sampson option—turn your eyes on Jesus and His return!

Get this and much more in our video series Journey To Future Events.