How about that for a title?  I want to challenge each of you just a little and hope that you will dig into these topics for yourself.  Before we dig in, I want to list some calendars that have been used in the past compared to the one we use today.

I believe that during Creation God gave His calendar to Adam.  We will call it the Bible calendar.  Prior to Jesus coming to earth the first time there was a group called the Essenes who followed God and predicted the following:  the Messiah would be God incarnate; the Messiah would die for our sins in 32 AD; and He would initiate the coming Age of Grace.  The Essenes are the ones who took the Dead Sea Scrolls to Qumran and buried them in the caves.  They preserved the original calendar and it became known as the Essene calendar and also the Dead Sea Scroll calendar.  This is a solar calendar based on 364 days in a year.  The Essene calendar was used down through time until the end of the reign of King David.  By the way this calendar was rediscovered in the 1990’s.

The Pharisees used a corrupt pagan lunar calendar which became known as the Hillel II calendar.  This is the calendar used by modern Judaism today.  It is based on 354 days in a year.

Today most of the world uses the Gregorian calendar.  This calendar dates back to Julius Caesar in 46 BC.  It is a solar calendar and has 365 days in a year.

The exciting news is the Bible calendar is now being pieced back together by using the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Let’s jump to Easter 2022!  For Christians, we celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  God provided His Son to die on the cross for our sins and to provide eternal life to those who accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

There is much confusion as to the timing of events which happened during Holy Week also known as the Passion Week.  Much of this confusion comes in the fact that the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke use the solar calendar and the Gospel of John uses the lunar calendar.

Here are the events of Holy Week based on the original Bible calendar (Essene calendar):  ( Josh Peck

Nissan 14, Tuesday      Last Supper, betrayal, arrest   Ref:  Matthew 26:26-29, 47-50

Nissan 15, Wednesday     Trials, crucifixion, death, tomb   Ref:  Matthew 27:1-66

Nissan 16, Thursday     Tomb is sealed     Ref:  Matthew 27:66

Nissan 17, Friday     Jesus still in tomb     Ref:  Matthew 27:66—28:1

Nissan 18, Saturday      Sabbath     Ref:  Matthew 28:1

Nissan 19, Sunday     Jesus has risen    Ref:  Matthew 28:1-6

We see from this that Jesus had already risen on Sunday.  His resurrection occurred either Saturday night or early during the first hours of Sunday morning.  This allows for three days and three nights in the tomb.

Let’s now move to “The End of the Age”.  I want to share with you the following info and please note that no date setting is being made.  Again, I go back to the Essenes because they had an understanding of the years of human history.  They believed in 6000 years from Creation to the Second Coming of Christ and then 7000 years from Creation until the end of the Millennium.

There are many sources that believe in this human history.  In fact, Jesus and His apostles held to this understanding of the ages.  Please refer to Matthew 13:39-40, 49; Matthew 24:3; Matthew 28:19-20; 2 Peter 3:8; and Hebrews 9:26.

You will find that the Essene calendar puts an exact year to end one age and begin the next age.  That happens during the final Jubilee, 2025 AD to 2075 AD.  This means that all end time events found in the Bible will be completed by 2075 AD which is when the Millennial reign of Christ begins.  The Book of Enoch also gives the prophecy of 7000 years from Creation to the end of the Millennium.

It is established that Creation occurred in 3925 BC.  So, with a little arithmetic you can add 6000 years to that date and come up with 2075 AD.  Don’t forget, we now live in the year 2022 and the final Jubilee begins in 2025.

Please think about and study the information provided—I want you to dig in for yourself.  Here are references for your use.

Ken Johnson, ThD. “Ancient Mysteries of the Essenes”, (

Josh Peck “Lost Prophecies of Qumran” and “2025 Final Age of Man”, (

Tom Horn “Zeitgeist 2025”, (