As I was looking out my living room window this summer I saw two men fishing in our lake.
I thought to myself ‘why do men fish’? Then, I realized my grand son and close friend fish all the time, why not ask them. So I sent them an e-mail and asked them to explain in a short paragraph. Their reply’s are:

Grandson… Fishing has always been more than just a ‘sport’ for me. It has provided me a way to get away from the stresses of everyday life. The saying, “A bad day of fishing beats a good day of anything else” will always hold true for me. Some of my best conversations that I have had in my life have been on a boat or on a river bank. Fishing allows me to get my fix for competition while also escaping whatever I may have going on in my life. I can’t think of a better way to honor the Lord’s creation than spending time enjoying it.

Friend… So many things come to mind, the time out from the stresses of life, building relationships with friends and family, the excitement of locating and tricking the fish to bite, losing site of the worldly and focus on all the gifts God has given us in nature, the opportunity to share Christ with others and spending time with other believers.

After reading both paragraphs I was pleasantly surprised to recognize the similarities and commonality within their messages. I took both opinions as a positive due to the age difference of some 40 years. My understandings are as follows, all men require some alone time, solitary from the pressures that life brings, a certain relief from stress. Fishing enhances a healthier well being. Fishing provides a recreation, the thrill and a challenge therefore capturing self fulfillment, and paying tribute to God’s creations and all of natures beauty. But most importantly provides an environment for social bonding with family and friends. It is a safe haven for personal discussions, expressing your faith, sharing Biblical principles, listening and learning from others.
This writing tells me that all Christian men need to be “fishers of men”, share the Gospel, welcome the opportunity to lead men to the Lord.

Matthew 4:19 - Follow me and I will make you “fishers of men”