Journey to Future Events Vol. 2
Want to know more about Biblical eschatology? Here are a few of the topics presented: Mideast Peace Plan, America Part 1 and 2, Your Heavenly Home, Murder of Babies, Rapture.
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About The Book
Want to know about future events mentioned in the Bible? Here are twenty-four topics each dealing with you and the Bible
Journey to Future Events: Volume 2 covers twenty-four interesting topics, and author James McClain presents historical and current world events, going on to discuss the future events that the Bible says will occur in the end times. He helps readers understand how eschatology—the study of the end times—is based on two principles that are critical to helping us understand the future events in the Bible: knowing the God of the Bible, and knowing that the Bible is God’s Word.
The desire is that one or more of the topics will be of interest and you will dig deeper! The bottom line is this—studying God’s Word is how you get to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

What’s inside
Chapter 1
Mideast Peace Plan
Chapter 2
America Part 1
Chapter 3
America Part 2
(24 Total Chapters)
Chapter 4
Your Heavenly Home
Chapter 5
Murder of Babies Part 1
Chapter 6
Murder of Babies Part 2
Chapter 1
Mideast Peace Plan
We have discussed the promised land that God gave to Israel previously in Volume 1, Chapter 5, “The History and Future Events of Israel” and Volume 1, Chapter 13, “The Twelve Tribes of Israel.”
Let’s review some important events and dates regarding the promised land.
The land is described in the following Bible verses: Genesis 15:18-21; Numbers 34:1-15; Deuteronomy 11:24.
The Bible states that God granted or bequeathed the land’s title to Israel.
The Bible goes on to say that the Jewish people will return and restore the land. Read Amos 9:14-15, Isaiah 11:12, and Jeremiah 31:10. Jeremiah 16:14-15 reads, “However, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when it will no longer be said, as surely as the Lord lives, who brought the Israelites up out of Egypt, but it will be said, as surely as the Lord lives, who brought the Israelites up out of the land of the north and out of all the countries where He banished them, for I will restore them to the land I gave their ancestors.”
Want to know more about Biblical eschatology? Here are a few of the topics presented: Mideast Peace Plan, America Part 1 and 2, Your Heavenly Home, Murder of Babies, Rapture.

About the author.

James McClain is a semi-retired structural engineer who has enjoyed a great forty-nine-year career. He asked God to be part of his life years ago through God’s Son, Jesus. James now devotes his time to God, to his wife, to taking care of two homes, and do a little woodworking. He loves studying and digging deep into God’s Word and has a special love for eschatology.
James McClain